How to Make Your own Blogger?
Everyone want to make their own blogger and they want to share their thought and creativity through own blogger but they don’t know how to do that. Today I am going to tell you the process of making free blogger. This can be very useful for everybody. This can be help those who was passionate on their work. Friends You can easily make your own blogger after reading this article. These are the process.
· First of all go to Url:
· Then sign up with your real identity.
· After open this Url, You can seen like this,
- · Then Type your Display Name. And the next step, you can see this type of interface,
- After this,Click on the "CREATE NEW BLOG" tab.
- · Again type your Blog Title and blog Url like You can also choose your blog site design through choosing Theme. Then click on the "Create Blog" tab and continue.
- · After this your blogger is ready to start up.
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